Get ready for some hardpacked dirt on the nature tracks because in our newest edition of Trail Run Mag, our writers and photographers have done their absolute best with sourcing everything that’s happening in our world of trail running!
TRM51 is chock-a-block with amazing features, including an in-depth interview with Donna Urquhart, who set the new world record with the longest run in Antarctica. We talk to three mates who ran in the south-west of Western Australia to remind people about getting their health checks, and we have a great feature about NZ runner Scott Hawker and how he manages to run his multi-day events.
Not only that, but we’ve got a special feature on how run safely in the wild as well as another special article on how to run your first trails if you’re new to the sport; contributions in this edition are by Rachel Bridgewater, Joseph Nunn and Callan Gates, and as always we have a whole heap of gear reviews, stunning photography and race reports.