ETN (Equestrian Trade News) – February / March 2021
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The voice of the equestrian industry for over 40 years.
This issue's articles include: News, product news ;Dogs at work; Bedding & stable tools; Retailer profile; Special report - How social media influencers make a living; Bench Saddler of the Month; This is the life! A new name on the supplements’ scene; Turn back the pages - What ETN was reporting five, ten, 20 and 30 years ago 25; Hoof, leg and joint care - Answering customer queries. Lifting the lid on laminitis; Worming news - Strategies for spring plus an environmental success story; AMTRA RAMA/SQP CPD feature - Managing the new arrival; People - Tributes and obituaries; 2021 BETA Business Awards - Who’s made the finals? Country Court Judgements.