ETN (Equestrian Trade News) – April 2022
The voice of the equestrian industry for over 40 years. In April issue we have ....
NEWS; OBITUARIES; PRODUCT NEWS - The latest launches; PEOPLE - Who’s new, who’s moved?; BENCH SADDLER OF THE MONTH - Meet Carolyn Truss; IN THE HOT SEAT - Leading supplier answers; ETN’s questions; RETAILER PROFILE - Kate’s Equestrian Supplies; SOCIAL MEDIA MATTERS - With Rhea Freeman; CPD FEATURE AND QUIZ - Can you bust the feed jargon? FEED FEATURE - What influences customers’ buying habits?; Merchant’s make-over; Product gallery; CPD FEATURE AND QUIZ - Why flies must be controlled; GROOMING AND FLY CONTROL - Best products for the job; Product gallery; TURNING BACK THE PAGES - What ETN was reporting five, ten, 20 and 30 years ago; SAFETY FEATURE - Product gallery -From safety stirrups to standards; CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR.