ETN (Equestrian Trade News) – April 2021
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The voice of the equestrian industry for over 40 years. April issue articles include:
NEWS - Industry happenings; PRODUCT NEWS - New arrivals; SAFETY SPECIAL - Your questions answered Protective products highlighted; PEOPLE - Who’s new, who’s moved; BENCH SADDLER OF THE MONTH - Saluting a saddlery stalwart; TURN BACK THE PAGES - What ETN was reporting five, ten, 20 and 30 years ago; FEEDING FOR PERFORMANCE - What to stock; AMTRA ACCREDITED CPD FEATURE AND QUIZ - Nutrition module; TOP TO TAIL GROOMING - Products to combat flies; Top turnout tips with Charlotte Dujardin; RETAILER PROFILE - The store specialising in men’s clothing; CLOTHING & FOOTWEAR - Seasonal styles on show; 2021 BETA BUSINESS AWARDS - The best in the business; COUNTY COURT JUDGMENTS.